N x Cemerlang (N.veitchii x N.fusca )


Price per Unit (piece): $8.00
Product Code: NE-96

SKU: N/A Categories: ,

Description: Nepenthes × ‘Cemerlang’ combines N. veitchii (giving a robust constitution and pitcher shape) and N. fusca to provide very large spectacularly shaped pitchers. Its hybrids exclusive to Malesiana Tropicals bred to combine ease of growth and vigour with high desirability.

Cultivation recommendations:
 Very easily grown Nepenthes that is best in cooler conditions. The densly rusty-hairy leaves and pitchers and the pale yellow, later glossy copper peristome are a beautiful combination. Prefers very bright light. See also: How to Grow Nepenthes


Standard Export Size – 8cm pot